Título: Optimum temperature and pH of invertase of the seeds of Theobroma cacao L.. In: v. 8 p. 105-112, 1978.
Autor(es): Lopez, Alex S.
Lehrian, Douglas W.
Lehrian, Linda V.
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 1978
Resumo: The location of invertase in the cacao seed was confirmed and its pH and temperature optima determined. Acetone powders prepared from the pulp, pulp wilh testa and lhe cotyledons of cacao seeds were tested for enzyme activity by assessing their ability to invert sucrose. The reducing sugars formed after incubalion of lhe powders wilh sucrose were determined by T.L.C., G.L.C. and by spectrophotomelry. Only preparations which included the testa were found to be active. Maximum inversion occurred at pH 4 and 5.25, at 52°C and 37°C respectively. This suggest the presence of more than one enzyme. Solutions of alcohol and acetic acid below 7.5% and 2% respectively, did not inhibit enzyme activity.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Theobroma
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