Título: Participatory selection of sweet cassava genotypes with farmers in the northern Amazonia. In: Agrotrópica v. 34 n. 1 p. 41-48, 2022.
Autor(es): Souza, Everton Diel
Lima-Primo, Hyanameyka Evangelista de
Schwengber, Dalton Roberto
Alves, Admar Bezerra
Mattioni, José Alberto Martell
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA); Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 2022
Resumo: The participatory research methodology has been fundamental to the efficiency of using and propagating genotypes because it focuses on its main customers farmers who actively participate in the evaluation using their selection criteria. The objective of this study was to analyze the probability of using new sweet cassava genotypes by farmers in the municipalities of São João da Baliza, São Luiz, and Caroebe in Southern Territory of the Roraima State in the Northern Brazilian Amazon. From 2019 to 2020, 54 participatory evaluations were conducted in the three municipalities. The genotypes evaluated were Aipim Brasil, BRS Dourada, BRS Gema de Ovo, BRS Japonesa, BRS Moura, Clone RRM 7, Clone RRM 9, Clone RRM 10 and Saracura. During the participatory genotypes selection, 23 farmers of the female gender and 31 farmers of the male gender chose selection criteria like yield, root length and diameter, cooked pasta quality and starch content. Overall, on average, Clone RRM 7, BRS Japonesa, Clone RRM 9 and Clone RRM 10 were farmers’ favorite genotypes with a high probability of adoption.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Agrotrópica
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