Título: Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil. II- Occurrence and distribution of plant parasitic nematodes associated with cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). In: Theobroma v. 3 p. 17-24, 1973.
Autor(es): Sharma, Ravi Datt
Sher, Samuel Alexis
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 1973
Resumo: Seventeen genera and 25 species of plant parasitic nematodes were encountered in 118 samples came from 24 different localities of the Bahian Cocoa Region. Twenty seven of the samples were taken from healthy cocoa trees; 62 were taken from cocoa trees with symptoms of dieback and 29 showed symptons of "Morte Súbita".
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Theobroma
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