Title: Influence of floral pigmentation on field pollination rates in some cultivated varieties of Theobroma cacao L.: some effects on yield. In: Theobroma v. 13 p. 141-149, 1982.
Authors: Soria, Saulo de J.
Silva, Pedrito
Chapman, R. Keith
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Artigo
Issue Date: 1982
Abstract: Photographic ilIustrations related to color of the flowers are presented for the cultivars "Catongo" unpigmented and 'Pará', pigmented. Records of pollination rates of several cultivars are subsequently analysed. Masked differences in natural pollination among various cacao clones showed the definite preference of Forcipomyia midges for some varieties over orhers, but flower color (white or purple) was not a factor in these differences.
Appears in Collections:Revista Theobroma
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