Título: The effect of succinic acid 2,2-dimethylhydrazide, chlorflurenol methyl ester, and N,N-dymethyl piperidine chloride on the growth and development of seedlings of Theobroma Cacao L.. In: Theobroma v. 11 p. 39-46, 1981.
Autor(es): Orchard, J. E.
Resnik, M. E.
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 1981
Resumo: An experiment was carried out on the effect of three growth retardants on the growth and development of seedlings of cacao. Three month old plants were sprayed with various concentrations of succinic acid 2,2-dimethylhydrazide (SADH), chlorflurenol methyl ester (a morphactin), and N,N -dimethyl piperidine chloride (PIX). Terminal shoot growth was completely inhibited by the application of 100 and 1000 ppm morphactin. These two treatments caused lateral shoot development, but subsequent lateral shoot growth only continued with plants sprayed with 100 ppm morphactin. Of the other growth retardants, 5000 ppm SADH and 10000 ppm PIX reduced internode elongation but no reduction in the rate of growth was observed.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Theobroma
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