Title: Breeding places and sites of collection of adults of Forcipomyia spp. midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in cacao plantations in Bahia, Brazil: a progress report. In: Theobroma v. 8 p. 21-29, 1978.
Authors: Soria, Saulo de J.
Wirth, Willis W.
Besemer, Hugo A.
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Artigo
Issue Date: 1978
Abstract: The species composition of midges emerging from rotten cacao fruits, rotten banana pseudocaules, and sugar cane leaf axils was compared wilh midges collected from the flowers. Trees were sampled systemalically, giving attention to dry cherelles, flowers, and dry leaf tips. Rotten cacao fruits are a breading place for F. (Forcipomyia) genualis (Loew), other specie, of the subgenus Forcipomyia and species of the F. (Microhelea) fuliginosa Meigen group. Rotten banana pseudocaules were a special breeding place for F. (F.) poulaineae Macfi, Dasyhelea borgmeieri Wirth and Waugh and F. (E.) spatulifera Saunders. Sugar cane leaf axils are a breeding place for F. (Warmkea) spinosa Saunders and for F. (F.) argenteola Macfie. About 62% of lhe Forcipomyia sensu lato midges were collected from dry cherelles, 37% from flowers and flower buds and 1% from dry leaf lips. Species of lhe subgenus F. (Euprojoamrisio) Brethes were predominant on the flowers. Other breeding places are used by the pollinating subgenus F. (Euprojoannisia). The numbers of the adults on the cacao tree cannot be determined only by the examination of flowers.
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