Title: Brasil - Brazilian Companies at SAITEX/Africa´s Big Seven 2009. Johannesburg - South Africa
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Livro
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: The high quality of the Brazilian products is guaranteed by its numerous certifications, making our products available, accepted and recognized in over 200 markets worldwide. This is thanks to the policies developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, institutions in the sector, as well as the constant pursue of Brazilian companies in offering products observing all international health and hygiene standards that protect consumers. The presence of Brazilian products at SAITEX/ Africa Big Seven 2009 has the objective to show a sample of Brazilian agribusiness to potential commercial partners of Africa region. There you will find rice, beans, cheese, dairy products, chocolate, biscuits, as well as sweets, confectionery, meat, ethanol, soft drink, juices, coconut water, ice tea, soybeans and its derivatives, sugar and cachaça.
Appears in Collections:Relações Internacionais - Livros
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