Title: Brazilian Agribusiness at a Glance
Authors: Marques, Eduardo Sampaio
Curado, Maurício Pinheiro Fleury
Gondo, Telma Cristina Ikeda
Simões, Fabrício Bentes
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Livro
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: In a time when natural resources, food security and renewable energy are being largely debated, this publication aims at providing brief information on Brazilian agricultural products, the country’s capacity to produce and supply and, furthermore, its care in using sustainable procedures, in order to guarantee food, work and resources for our future generations. The content of this material came from several lectures given by authorities and technicians of this Ministry in different places and occasions. Due to the high demand of hardcopies after each presentation, we consider that the information can be relevant to your acquaintance. We hope this information can be useful as a way of making you interested in getting to know more about Brazil and its agricultural production.
Appears in Collections:Agronegócio - Livros
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