Title: Potential for potash production from cocoa-pod husk in Nigeria. In: Agrotrópica v. 2 p. 171-175, 1990.
Authors: Oduwole, O. O.
Arueya, G. L.
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Artigo
Issue Date: 1990
Abstract: This paper examines Nigerian potentials in potash production from cocoa-pod husk, a waste product of cacao (Theobroma cacao) that is presently under-utilized. An efficient method of extraction involving crystalization to obtain a high quality potash is discussed while the economic feasibility or otherwise of a small scale processing unit is also examined.
Appears in Collections:Revista Agrotrópica
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