Título: Environmental characteristics of springs on rural properties of Barro Preto Project, Bahia, Brazil. In: Agrotrópica v. 29 p. 21-30, 2017.
Autor(es): Araujo, Quintino R. de Faria Filho, Antônio Fontes de Santos, Emerson Ranniely Mendes dos Vieira, Rodrigo Batista Assunção Neto, José Francisco Cabral, Leonardo Celso Costa Bispo, Ednaldo Ribeiro
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 2017
Resumo: Geo-environmental data on springs in a region provide fundamental information to understand their conservation conditions and are mandatory for the management of water resources as part of watershed management programs. Areas with springs, streams and reservoirs require careful technical management because they are environments which are sensitive to human pressures. There is a lack of geographic information in most of the country’s rural areas on this topic. This research aims to analyze basic geo-environmental aspects surrounding the springs on the farms in Barro Preto Project in southern Bahia, Brazil. The analysis was done using GIS in combination with remote sensing and on-site field surveys. Most of the sites where the bodies of water were identified have good vegetation cover due to cocoa cultivation, but in some areas we find inadequate pasture management around streams, spring areas and APP – Areas of Permanent Preservation. All farms studied meet the basic requirements for classification as candidates for Water Producer, but, on the other hand, there are necessary APPs recovery actions in pastures on the Tuyuna Juruy, São Joaquim, Cordialidade, Fortaleza, Roçado Grande, Bela Flor, Bom Jesus and Nova Harmonia farms.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Agrotrópica
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