Título: Origin of the incompatibility allele carried by the cacao clone TSH-1188. In: Agrotrópica v. 27 p. 129-132, 2015.
Autor(es): Lopes, Uilson Vanderlei
Santos, Raimundo Pereira dos
Yamada, Milton Macoto
Silva, Marcos Ramos da
Monteiro, Wilson Reis
Editor: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Idioma: en
Tipo: Artigo
Data: 2015
Resumo: The sexual incompatibility is a limiting factor for the expression of the potential yield in cacao. However, because of other genes of interest present in self-incompatible clones (as yield and disease resistance) breeders have frequently used them in their programs. One of these clones is the TSH-1188 which, besides being recommended for planting in Bahia, Brazil, it was widely used in Ceplac´s (Executive Comission of the Cacao Farming Plan) breeding program in the recent past. However, this clone has a rare incompatibility allele of unknown origin. The objective of this paper was to clarify the origin of this allele, by crossing that clone with others in its pedigree, aiming to support studies of gene mapping, as well as planning crosses and establishing this clone in farms. It was shown that the incompatibility allele present in TSH-1188 comes from the clone P-18.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista Agrotrópica
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