Title: Effect of reduced humidity and antitranspirants in acclimatizing micropropagated Citrus plantlets. In: Agrotrópica v. 12 p. 163-166, 2000.
Authors: Hazarika, B. N.
Parthasarathy, V. A.
Nagaraju, V.
Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
Language: en
metadata.dc.type: Artigo
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: A study was conducted to find out the effect of reduced humidity and antitranspirants on in vitro hardening and ex vitro survival of micropropagated Citrus plantlets. Relative humidity inside the culture vessel was reduced with silica gel. The antitranspirants used were Alar and 8 Hydroxy Quinolin (8 HQ). Results indicated that plants under silica gel treatment exhibited reduced shoot growth in vitro and lower ex vitro survival. 8 HQ (2 mg/l) was found effective in controlling excessive water loss which helped in more ex vitro survival as compared to control.
Appears in Collections:Revista Agrotrópica
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